Backend Engineer at Front

San Francisco, CA, United States of America

Posted on Mar 17 2015 (almost 10 years ago)





Front is looking for a backend engineer to join our infrastructure team. We’re a small but growing team managing a full email stack built with node.js and distributed over dozens of servers. It comes complete with thousands of concurrent connections, TBs of data and a microservice architecture. We process hundreds of thousands of messages every day.

When we’re not busy casually dropping vanity metrics, we:

  • Expand our API that the best users in the world are using to build the future of communication.
  • Push some NPM modules to limits their authors hadn’t anticipated.
  • Move S3 buckets across the ocean, and assets to a CDN to make Front a tiny bit faster.
  • Tame a growing memcached cluster.
  • Improve our CI to release builds faster.


You: * (ideally) have a strong background in node.js (some of our engineers learnt on the spot). * Can find creative ways of troubleshooting problems (mentioning some of them when applying would be awesome). * Can sift quickly through code written by someone else (you consider that node_modules is a part of your code). * Have experience debugging network issues, profiling JavaScript and inspecting retention trees in a heapdump. * And of course: you’d like to help us make Front better.


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