Data Engineer at Factual

Los Angeles, CA, United States of America

Posted on Apr 21 2015 (almost 10 years ago)

Do you know more languages than you can count on a single hand? Do you read wikipedia articles for fun in your spare time? Do you also like things to be cleanly structured and neatly ordered? At Factual, we need outstanding people to help solve the following problem: How to organize ALL of the world's data.

We're looking for fast-working, highly focused individuals with strong attention to detail and correctness, great organizational skills, and wide-ranging interests and areas of expertise.


  • Evaluate and judge algorithmically generated data and assess data quality.
  • Research and analyze data on the web, including finding and evaluating data sources and providing answers for specific data questions.
  • Research domain-specific data standards in a variety of subjects ( points of interest, health, entertainment, education).
  • Apply data generation software and scripts.
  • Thoroughly document findings, assumptions, and conclusions.
  • Provide feedback and direction for data acquisition and scrubbing.
  • Author specifications to improve data processing and natural language processing, if appropriate.

The Ideal Candidate Would:

  • Have a degree in engineering, science, or linguistics.
  • Be eager to learn new tools and skills related to data and analysis.
  • Be able to propose out-of-the-box strategies based on insights about data.

Desired Skills:

  • Excellent web research skills.
  • Familiarity with multiple languages.
  • Experience with data curation.
  • Familiarity with Linux commands.
  • Regular expressions, XPath, or SQL.

Cover letters (creative and personalized) will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


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