DevOps Lead at CardFlight

New York, NY, United States of America

Posted on Mar 12 2015 (almost 10 years ago)

About CardFlight:

CardFlight is a provider of mobile POS technology & tools to help anyone accept swiped payments in any mobile app with any merchant account.

About the job:

You’ll do any/all of:

  • Help us scale our platform to reliably handle fast-growing demand and transaction volume.
  • Work with our dev team to ship new features and improvements to our existing product on a weekly and daily basis.
  • Improve the tools we offer our developers/clients to help them better manage their business (developer admin dashboard, reporting and APIs).
  • Build enhancements and support our Android and iOS apps/SDKs.
  • Integrate our platform with third party payments SDKs/APIs to expand our coverage of supported payment processors.
  • Represent CardFlight within the hacker/developer community by organizing and participating in hackathons, meetups, and any other ways of getting more developers building with the CardFlight SDKs.

Minimum qualifications

  • BS in Computer Science or equivalent practical experience.
  • Experience managing and growing a reliable cloud-based application where transactional throughout, accuracy and uptime are critical.
  • Experience with Apache servers, AWS, Unix systems, security cryptography, Memcache, and/or MySQL.
  • The ability and desire to learn new technologies quickly.

Preferred qualifications

  • Experience designing software, preferably in Ruby.
  • Experience with developing software using the Agile methodology.
  • 2+ years of experience with Ruby


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