SSRS Developer at ZhuKo.Net

San Francisco, CA, United States of America

Posted on May 31 2016 (about 8 years ago)

We are looking for a Russian speaking SSRS developer. We prefer to bring this person to the US but St. Petersburg or Novosibirsk are also options.
Work collaboratively to define and develop custom reports. Create and customize SSRS reports.


Relocate/San Francisco, CA

Required Skills:

  • 3+ years of relevant work experience
  • Experience with SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
  • Develop SSRS reports using Microsoft Reporting Services platform (SSRS), Microsoft SQL
  • Experience with SQL Server 2008, 2012 or 2014
  • SQL development in SQL Server
  • Willingness to learn in a fast-paced environment
  • Excellent problem-solving skills and excellent communication skills
  • Self-starter with excellent verbal and written skills

Compensation and Benefits (for US):

  •     Highly competitive salary
  •     Excellent employee stock option plan
  •     Relocation assistance available
  •     Free food and drinks
  •     Foosball, Gym and showers, Pool table, Table Tennis
  •     FREE Medical, Dental and Vision
  •     401k
  •     Easy Access to Caltrain and Light Rail (free pass)
  •     New Laptop (mac or pc) and Monitor
  •     Employee discounts on HP, Apple and Verizon

About Relocate:

Every candidate who accepts the Job Offer has a good relocation package. The company helps to get a visa and pays for tickets and accommodation. Family can come too.


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